Sophie Marceau et Vincent Perez dans un film sur la conquete amoureuse et la recherche de preserver les premiers sentiments le long de la relation. Alexandre a une relation stable et est sur le point de se marier mais il rencontre Fanfan qui reveilla en lui les sentiments les plus beau du debut d'une relation. Il essaye de faire durer ces sentiments en gardant l'innocence du debut. Il croit avoir trouve la solution. Ce film peut etre la reponse a des questions que nous nous posons au moment ou l'on commence une relation. Comment faire pour que ca dure, pour que nos sentiments restent vives? C'est une question a laquelle il faut absolument repondre a deux.
Sophie Marceau si Vincent Perez intr-un film despre cucerirea dragostei si cautarea preservarii primelor sentimente pe parcursul intregii relatii. Alexandre are o relatie stabila si este pe cale sa se casatoreasca dar o intalneste pe Fanfan care trezeste in el cele mai frumoase sentimente ale inceputului unei relatii. El incearca sa permanentizeze aceste sentimente pastrand inocenta inceputului si crede ca a gasit solutia. Acest film poate fi raspunsul intrebarilor pe care ni le punem in momentul in care incepem o relatie. Cum sa facem ca aceste sentimente sa dureze, pentru ca aceste sentimente sa ramana vii? Este o intrebare la care trebuie sa se raspunda in doi.
Sophie Marceau and Vincent Perez in a movie about the quest of love and the search of preserving the first feelings during the whole relation. Alexandre has a long lasting relationship and is about to get married but the encounter of Fanfan wakes the most beautiful feelings in him, the ones of the begining of a relationship. He tries to make these feelings last by holding on to the innocence of the begining and he thinks that he has found the answer. This movie can be the answer to our questions when starting a relationship. How can we make these feelings last? How do we keep them alive? These are questions that we can only answer together.
Sophie Marceau si Vincent Perez intr-un film despre cucerirea dragostei si cautarea preservarii primelor sentimente pe parcursul intregii relatii. Alexandre are o relatie stabila si este pe cale sa se casatoreasca dar o intalneste pe Fanfan care trezeste in el cele mai frumoase sentimente ale inceputului unei relatii. El incearca sa permanentizeze aceste sentimente pastrand inocenta inceputului si crede ca a gasit solutia. Acest film poate fi raspunsul intrebarilor pe care ni le punem in momentul in care incepem o relatie. Cum sa facem ca aceste sentimente sa dureze, pentru ca aceste sentimente sa ramana vii? Este o intrebare la care trebuie sa se raspunda in doi.
Sophie Marceau and Vincent Perez in a movie about the quest of love and the search of preserving the first feelings during the whole relation. Alexandre has a long lasting relationship and is about to get married but the encounter of Fanfan wakes the most beautiful feelings in him, the ones of the begining of a relationship. He tries to make these feelings last by holding on to the innocence of the begining and he thinks that he has found the answer. This movie can be the answer to our questions when starting a relationship. How can we make these feelings last? How do we keep them alive? These are questions that we can only answer together.