
Ilinca Sandu
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Fenetres sur mon monde
Les grandes retrouvailles sont en fait la redecouverte de ceux qu'on a perdu de vue pour un moment. La redecouverte de ceux qu'on a croise a un moment ou un autre, sont d'autant plus sympatiques lorsq'on decouvre qu'au fond ils sont restes les memes. Redecouvrir que la vie nous a change mais qu'on est quand meme sur la meme longueur d'onde est la meilleure decouverte qu'on puisse faire!
Ne changez rien!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Garou - Adieu
Aux arbres mouillés de septembre
À leur soleil de souvenir
À ces mots doux à ces mots tendres
Que je t'ai entendu me dire
À la faveur d’un chemin creux
Où d’une bougie allumée
Adieu à ce qui fut nous deux
À la passion du verbe aimer
Est une infinie diligence
Où les chevaux ont du souffrir
Où les reflets de ton absence
Ont marqué l’ombre du plaisir
L’adieu est une lettre de toi
Que je garderai sur mon cœur
Une illusion de toi et moi
Une impression de vivre ailleurs
N’est que vérité devant Dieu
Tout le reste est lettre à écrire
À ceux qui se sont dit adieu
Quand il fallait se retenir
Tu ne peux plus baisser les yeux
Devant le rouges des cheminées
Nous avons connu d’autres feux
Qui nous ont si bien consumés
C’est nos deux corps qui se séparent
Sur la rivière du temps qui passe
Je ne sais pas pour qui tu pars
Et tu ne sais pas qui m’embrasse
Nous n’aurons plus de jalousies
Ni de paroles qui font souffrir
Aussi fort qu’on s’étais choisi
Est fort le moment de partir
Oh l’adieu
C’est le sanglot long des horloges
Et des trompettes de Waterloo
Dire à tous ceux qui s’interroge
Que l’amour est tombé à l’eau
D’un bateau ivre de tristesse
Qui nous a rongé toi et moi
Les passagers sont en détresse
Et j’en conais deux qui se noient
Aux arbres mouillés de septembre
À leur soleil de souvenir
A ces mots doux a ces mots tendres
Que je tai entendu me dire
À la faveur d’un chemin creux
Ou d’une bougie allumée
Adieu a ce qui fut nous deux
À la passion du verbe aimer
C’est le loup blanc dans sa montagne
Et les chasseurs dans la vallée
Le soleil qui nous accompagne
Est une lune bête a pleurer
L’adieu ressemble a ces marées
Qui viendrons tout ensevelir
Les marins avec les mariées
Le passé avec l’avenir
Oh l'adieu
Oh l'adieu
Friday, August 15, 2008
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Ecole Francaise de Bucarest: premiere partie
Peut être je n’arrivais pas a cerner certaines choses, a filtrer l’essentiel.
Beaucoup m’a été dit sans que je puisse comprendre au moment du discours et que, en revenant sur le sujet sept ans plus tard je me suis mise à réfléchir et a comprendre. Les yeux de l’innocence se sont transformés dans les yeux du jeune adulte encore en quête de « messages » derrière les nombreuses expériences passées. La mémoire ne me joue pas des tours… Je rêve encore de ce temps, comme si c’était hier, comme si je revenais en arrière une fois de plus. J’ai seulement essayé d’imaginer une vie sans cette expérience, une vie sans mon vécu au sein de cette famille en plein changement, cette deuxième maison ou j’ai passé onze ans de ma vie, entourée des mêmes personnes mais aussi de nouvelles, de gens de partout qui célébraient sans s’en apercevoir, l’universalité de la langue française, la vie internationale, réduite a quelques mètres carrés, au sein d’une ville traumatisée par le communisme, assoiffée par la connaissance et désireuse de conquérir le monde, ou tout au moins d’absorber quelques brises occidentales qui soufflaient doucement vers l’Est.
Je me souviens de mes professeurs de l’école, des visages de la cour qui changeait chaque année et de pleins de fragments qui reviennent sans cesse dans ma mémoire. Je me souviens encore des « Châtiments » de Hugo et de l’explication du « mémento »… comme si le professeur de français nous appelait au « souviens-toi ».
Nous allions nous en souvenir pour le restant de nos jours ! Certains d’entre nous avec beaucoup de gratitude et de respect, en faisant une révérence devant la sublime dame qui a été et reste encore pour nous, dans nos esprits et dans nos cœurs mais aussi pour toutes les générations auxquelles elle enseignera l’art et la maîtrise de la langue et littérature française, Madame Marie-Claire Areșteanu.
Tout comme tous les autres professeurs, je ne l’ai plus revue, mais elle reste sur un piédestal, comme j’ai pu le constater dans les propos des anciens du lycée. Personnellement sans m’en apercevoir tout de suite, elle m’a inspiré tant de choses que je n’ai pas pu m’abstenir d’écrire ces propos. Je me souviens de Monsieur Pierre Vernalde qui a été pour nous, comme on dit ici, « le pain de Dieu », un ange déguisé en professeur de Sciences de la Nature (Biologie pour faire court). Oh… et la liste continue ! Mais pour en arriver la, celui qui a ouvert les portes de l’école française pour moi restera toujours comme le meilleur des « maîtres » Monsieur Savary. J’ignore ou il se trouve en ce moment mais s’il pouvait savoir que je me souviens encore des chansons qu’il nous a appris a chanter ! Je les ferai apprendre à mes enfants et aux enfants de mes enfants.
Une petite brise printanière transporte une mèche de mes cheveux dans les yeux. Je baisse timidement la tête, mon coeur bat si fort ! Le parfum des fleurs m’envahit et une pluie de pétales roses et blanches tombe. C’est comme si la nature voudrait célébrer notre rencontre.
Entre toi et moi il n’y a plus qu’une passerelle formée de rhizomes qu’il faut traverser lentement pour ne pas s’enfoncer dans l’anonymat. J’arrête de regarder la boussole que je serre dans la main. Désormais elle ne sert plus a rien. Tu es tellement près, enfin, qu’il ne me reste plus que je t’apprivoise avec tact. Les rayons du soleil percent le vert cru des arbres pour embrasser le doux contour de ta silhouette. Les boucles sursautent sur tes épaules sur le rythme du chant des oiseaux qu’on distingue à peine derrière le décor enchanté par ta présence. On ne se connaît pas encore... mais j’ai envie de toucher ton visage, de connaître la texture de ta peau en la caressant avec mon regard et sans plus de palabres t’embrasser fougueusement. Cela ferait-il de nous deux un seul, peut être? Dans mes rêves je m’interdis de croire que tu passeras encore une fois à cote de moi en me dénuant de tout espoir et que tout cet amour que je te porte sera vain. Je lève le front, le soleil me rend aveugle et chaque pas vers toi est une victoire. Tu souris. Je souris. On pourra finalement s’attabler et prolonger ce moment jubilatoire jusqu’au lever du soleil qui sera pour nous deux le début de tout ou le tout début de la fin de mes rêves, de ma contemplation fébrile, le début de toi et moi dans ma réalité. Je ferme les yeux pour me faire courage. Tu es la et je te tends la main...
Monday, August 4, 2008
New-Old ideas- Got me thinking series
And the creation
Between the emotion
And the response
Falls the Shadow
TS Elliot
Sunday, May 4, 2008
The 1989 Revolution at the Begining
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Cine-as fi? -Mihaela Mihai
Cine-as fi?
A trecut un car cu stele
Si –a luat cantecele mele
Dintre toate unul vine sa te cante doar pe tine
Fara gandul ca ti-apartin cine-as fi?
Fara casa in care vin cine-as fi?
Fara lumina ta ce ma-nvatat
Sa caut umbrele albastre spre inserat
Fara cantecul tau doinit cine-as fi?
Fara numele tau iubit cine-as fi?
Fara leaganul mangaierii cum un altul nu pot gasi
Fara tot ce m-ai dat cine-as fi?
Fara soarele tau aprins cine-as fi?
Fara florile ce te-au nins cine-as fi?
Fara povestea ta ce-o spun usor
Cand uneori sunt departe si plang de dor
Fara poarta ce mi-ai deschis cine-as fi?
Fara drumul ce mi l-ai scris cine-as fi?
Fara lacrima amintirii si surasul ce mi-l vei da
Cine-as fi cine-as fi tara mea?
Fara lacrima amintirii si surasul ce mi-l vei da
Cine-as fi cine-as fi tara mea?
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Istorie : Communism- Constructii din Perioada Comunista
In perioada lui Ceausescu arhitectura a luat un mare avant. Dezvoltarea a fost reprezentata atat prin contructia a foarte multe cladiri de locuit (arhitectura utilitara).
S-au realizat mari investitii in fabrici si centre industriale,multe constructii sociale : scoli, cladiri administrative, primarii.
Industria militara cat si cea chimica erau foarte puternice, iar ideea de a iriga intreaga tara avea un rol primordial.
Astfel, s-a ajuns ca industria militara romaneasca sa fie a parta exportatoare de armament din lume. Dar poate cele mai reprezentative investitii in constructii, reprezinta Canalul Dunare Marea Neagra si Metroul Bucuresti. Aceste investitii s-au facut atat prin imprumuturi externe (12 miliarde de dolari) cat si printr-o organizare cvazi militara, dictatoriala in sistemele de constructii. Toate investitiile erau planificate existant cincinale prin care se hotara ce anume trebuie realizat si termenul proiectului respectiv. Acestea erau inspirate si hotarate de PCR (Partidul Comunist Roman) dirijat fatis de Nicolae Ceausescu.
Politicul reprezinta forta conducatoare in lucrarile de investitii.Ceausescu a cautat ca prin politica de subordonare a Romaniei atat Americii cat si Rusiei, sa fie lasata sa faca aceste investitii. Ambele puteri economice si militare au cautat sa atraga Romania in sfera lor de influenta si acest lucru a insemnat o independenta politica si militara fata de terti.
Un exemplu clasic : Dunare-Marea Neagra.
Scopul era de a construi unu canal pentru a scurta intrarea vaselor marine pe Dunare. (Reteaua fluviala fiind cel mai economic sistem de circulatie intre Est si Vest in Europa).
Inca din secolul XIX-lea si in special in secolul XX au fost nenumarate proiecte pentru realizarea acestui tel.
La inceputul comunismului in Romania sovieticii erau reprezentati de Stalin. Canalul inseamna distrugerea in masa a burgheziei si intelectualitatii romanesti. Af fost o inchisoare si o sperietoare a poporului roman. O data cu disparitia lui Stalin lucrarile canalului s-au sistat. Majoritatea detinutilor au fost eliberati , iar partidul pentru a nu arata ca acest proiect a fost o nereusita,a initat un mare proces in care trei ingineri au fost condamnati la moarte si executati, considerand ca din cauza acestor trei oameni s-a sistat constructia.
Prin relatiile economice pe care le-a avut Ceausescu cu Sahinsahul Iranului, pe vremea aceea, un « politist » al Statelor Unite si al Europei in vederea stagnarii eforturilor revolutionare a lumii arabe, s-a hotarat ca prin banii iranieni sa se inceapa constructia unui canal prin care petrolul iranian sa fie transportat in restul Europei.
Prin portul turcesc Trebizonda petrolul iranian ar fi ajuns prin patru « pipe-line-uri », s-ar fi transportat prin vase pana la Constanta si de acolo prin noul canal direct in Porturile Germane, Belgiene, Franceze...etc.
Ps. Multumiri Arh. Roguski, prieten drag de familie si sustinator al meu pe perioada Lucrarii de diploma, fara de care aceste informatii pretioase noua tuturor, nu ar fi vazut lumina zilei.
Va urma...
Pensees nocturnes
Je dis:
Tous les matins du monde sont sans retour car on n'a toujours qu'une seule chance.
La vie par sa nature ne nous donne pas une seconde chance... parfois meme pas l'amour ne nous donne pas une seconde chance.
Saturday, February 2, 2008
A la recherche d’un autre monde.
A la recherche d’un autre monde.
« De nos jours, nous rencontrons souvent le besoin de nous connaitre et de reconnaitre les autres existences... »
C’est ainsi que pensait Mars en regardant les etoiles. Ses yeux cherchaient quelque part dans le ciel un lieu de rencontre.
« Je donnerais toute mon energie humaine pour decouvrir cet espace de rencontre avec eux... »
Il parlait biensur , de ceux qui, par qui sait quel miracle, lui inspiraient le mysthere et le desir. Chaque soir depuis toujours, Mars se demandait sur ce lieu, sur cette existence. C’etait sur ! Il n’y avait pas de doutes, que ce Monde que Mars appellait « jumeau » existait ! Et que certainement, quelque part entre la Terre et leur monde a eux, existait un lieu de rencontre.
Le soir suivant, comme d’habitude, Mars ouvrit sa fenetre. C’est a ce moment qu’il decouvrit un coin du ciel qu’il n’avait jamais remarque. Il commenca alors ses etudes sur le ciel et a refaire ses plans et... s’il y avait la-bas quelque chose qui pouvait le renseigner, l’avancer en quelque sorte?
Les jours, les semaines, les mois qui suivirent il ne cessa pas de se demander, de calculer, de chercher des signes utiles a son avance. Ses projets etaient ambitieux, il voulai aller voir, s’elancer dans le bleu du ciel. Il voulait exister la-bas!
„Mais enfin, ce monde existe puisque je le vois, je le sens. Donc je peux l’atteindre”.
Mars etait une personne solitaire et renfermee. Il ne pouvait raconter a personne ses decouvertes, personne n’aurait pu comprendre ses pensees.
Il voulait quitter la Terre, „espace fourmiliere” d’intrigues, coeur avare et insolent qui ne lui apportait aucune satisfaction et qui, malgre ses efforts de rester objectif sur ces propos, simplement il ne pouvait pas. Il avait un sentiment fort contre le monde. Il se sentait de trop et n’y trouvait pas sa place.
Ce qui etait sur pour lui, c’est qu’il aurait du naitre sur une autre planete, une des planetes de la-haut. C’etait pour cela que chaque soir il n’arretait pas de fixer l’espace d’un cote a l’autre,en esperant de decouvrir un signe, un indice pour pouvoir partir.
Partir, etait pour ce jeune homme de dix-huit ans, reveur, conscient, decu, enthousiaste, desoriente, decide, le but de sa vie.
Il croyait que puisque la Terre est un lieu de misere, de guerre et d’infamies, un lieu detruit par les ses habitants, le paradis de jadis devenu enfer; il doit y avoir dans l’espace un certain lieu qui puisse ressembler a ce que la Terre avait ete autrefois.
Mars avait une curieuse conception de la vie.
Il pensait et ses grands yeux bleus continuaient d’examiner le ciel. Le coin lumineux qu’il avait remarque auparavant, paraissait s’eteindre et se rallumer an quelques instants. Ce coin de ciel, surtout quand il faisait nuit, ressemblait a un charbon incandescent.
Il esperait que ce monde inconnu ait tout ce que les humains sur Terre n’avaient plus depuis longtemps: des valeurs humaines, de l’esprit, du respect pour son prochain. C’est quand meme triste qu’un lieu comme la Terre avait tellement peu de chances de survie a cause du chaos instaure.
„Les gens ne savent plus s’aimer!...” C’etait une conclusion triste mais vraie. „L’egoisme et l’intolerence fleurissent comme dans des jardins miraculeux. La Terre devient deplorable!”
... Il laissa de cote ses pensees noires, qui ne lui donnaient rien d’autre que des larmes. Mais il se retira encore plus du monde en ne vivant plus que pour rencontrer le monde „jumeau”.
Ainsi des annees passerent et encore d’autres sans qu’il le sache, la bas renferme dans sa chambre. Il passait son temps a mirer les etoiles et le ciel du matin jusqu’au soir. C’etait pour lui la provocation du hazard et esperait toujours avec le meme enthousiasme la „rencontre”.
.... Un soir comme d’autres soirs, il ouvrit sa fenetre. Le ciel est tout a coup devenu rougeatre et un eclair de lumiere traversa sa chambre. Il se trouva apres quelques minutes de choc et d’inconscience dans la compagnie de cinq personnes entourees d’une espece de lumiere chaude. Il etait ebloui. Ces hommes avaient une taille moyenne et avaient une apparence humaine.
Mars se reveilla et les regarda curieusement comme un enfant. „Surement, se dit-il, ce sont des gens qui ont appris de mes recherches et qui veulent m’interroger”. Il continua a les regarder sans rien dire.
„Tu nous as contactes et on veut savoir pourquoi!” dit l’un des personnages en s’avancant vers lui. Il avait les yeux verts et les cheveux courts qui se dressaient. Son corps etait fort et imposant malgre sa taille. „Moi?” demanda Mars etonne. „Moi je ne fais que...” et s’arreta en pensant que peut etre, dans un de ses reves le plus fou,ces hommes qui etaient devant lui pourraient etre ceux qu’il attendait depuis son enfance. Il savait que c’etait stupide d’y penser, pourtant il esperait de tout son coeur que ce soient eux qui sont venus a sa rencontre.
„Oui, on a des appareils tres performants qui ont su detecter tes messages venus de Terre, Dit-il gravement. Nous sommes venus a ta rencontre car nous savions que tu n’avais pas les moyens pour nous atteindre. Pourtant je reconnais que la Terre a beaucoup evolue dans les dernieres vingt annees. Nous savons cela car de vingt en vingt ans nous monitorisons l’espace et nottament la Terre pour connaitre ses prores techniques. On desirait rentrer en contact avec des gens sur Terre mais on etait persuade que vous n’etes pas au courrant de notre existence. Tu dois savoir que tu as fait un immense progres en nous contactant, tu as accompli un enorme pas dans le monde et pour cela je te felicite.”
Mars resta interdit. Il avait tant de choses a dire mais, il ne pouvait pas bouger.
Apres un moment, un autre homme de meme taille et aspect physique, vint pres de lui et lui dit d’un ton doux et calme:
„ Cher ami, nous comprenons bien ton etonnement, tu as du nous attendre tres longtemps, masi comme tu dois le deviner, notre planete et la Terre le chemin est tres long.”
Mars reprit son souffle: „Je ne peux pas le croire! Vous etes venus, vous parlez ma langue et ressemblez beaucoup a moi! Mon reve est presque devenu realite!” et s’attrista en prononcant ces derniers mots. „Pourquoi mon ami tant de chagrin?” reprit le bonhomme. „J’ai tant reve de vous, de votre planete, de votre monde qui serait comme le mien! Je n’ai jamais cesse d’y croire, de croire qu’un jour on se rencontrera!” repondit Mars.
„Voici une cassette de notre planete, tu pouras voir tout ce qu’il y a la-bas. On a pourtant des choses assez differentes de la Terre: les hommes une fois lies par la sainte croix en marriage restent pour l’eternite lies a leur femme (c’est par amour qu’il le font non pas par obligation), ensuite les couples partagent tout et la femme supporte le moins les difficultes de chaque jour. C’est pour cela qu’elles sont toujours belles et jamais fatiguees( c’est pour plaire davantage a leur compagnon de vie), enfin le lien qui tient nos Hommes unis est la confiance”.
Ils regarderent la cassette. Mars etait etonne par la beaute et par la ressemblance de cette planete avec la Terre. A la fin de la cassette un d’entre eux dit: „notre planete s’appelle Erret. Ce nom represente les relations fortes entre ses habitants. Nous formons un grande famille, une unite.”
Un autre intervint:
„Qu’est ce que tu attends de nous? Quels sont tes projets? Nous sommes tres curieux de savoir comment tu nous a reperes et surtout pourquoi tu l’as fait?”
Mars leurs expliqua tous ses projets et tous ses desirs. Il leurs expliqua aussi ses raisons et comment il a passe ses plus belles annees de sa vie a les reperer, et comme il avait envie d’aider son monde, eternellement perdu dans des atrocites que nul n’aurait pu imaginer il y a quelques dizaines d’annees. Il n’avait qu’une seule reponse, c’etait son desir le plus ardent...
„Je veux venir avec vous, c’est d’ailleurs ce que j’attends depuis toujours”.
Les Erretiens considererent son discours et finirent par deliberer:
„Nous t’acceptons, mais avec une seule condition.”
„Oui j’accepte, peu m’importe votre condition!” intervint Mars.
„Ecoutes, dit un autre, ta decision est tres importante! Ecoutes donc notre condition!”
Mars regarda curieusement et impatiemment. L’Erretien continua:
„Pour venir avec nous, tu devras quitter ton corps, ton apparence actuelle. Seule ton ame est capable de resister aux transformations dues au trajet dans l’espace!”
„J’accepte car ma vie appartient a votre monde et mon ame est claire a ce sujet. Ce que j’ai pu voir sur cette cassette est tout ce que j’ai imagine pendant des annees... Maintenant je n’ai plsu besoin de rever, le reve est en train de devenir realite!...
Qui sait peut etre un jour, je reviendrais enseigner a mon peuple ce que vous m’enseignez aujourd’hui! Ainsi, a cette source d’espoir, la Terre renaitra de nouveau!...”
....Et l’eclair lumineux traversa encore une fois la chambre de Mars. Son ame s’eleva peu a peu comme la fumee d’une chandelle qui est sur le point de s’eteindre...
Peu a peu la lumiere les absorba tous.
Et en quelques secondes, qui parrurent une eternite, la lumiere disparrut..."Qui nous dit que notre vie n'est pas qu'un reve?" (Descartes)
I am still looking for one particular photo album that I cannot find because of my moving and all...
But I have found in my secret "lieux de memoire" some photos of the past that show I have really been there and done that for sure! I just have to scan the photos and post them so that other people remember those moments too.
Monday, January 28, 2008
The Brand of Democracy
The Brand of Democracy
After 1989 the Romanian Revolution which led to the end of the communist era, in
Raymond Duncan Gastil in „The Comparative Survey on Freedom: Experiences and Suggestions” explains which are the measurable elements to obtain the degree of freedom and democracy in different countries. Two indicators allow the measurement of these values: the political rights and the civilian freedom. Thanks to Gastil’s studies we have a starting point in the analysis of the Brand of Democracy. It opens the way of the study between the brand mechanisms and those of the political democracy. But it is essential to talk about these two elements because the progress of the societies as they are today is due to these two elements: the democracy and the brand; and these factors lead to prosperity, progress and human flourish.
Raymond Duncan Gastil was preoccupied with the intuitive system which evaluated the levels of freedom and democracy, as they are described by the political rights and the civilian freedom in the tradition of the Western countries. The study was made on the period 1975-1989 for different countries, but the answers are still interesting as a guidance line of the future studies. According to Gastil the freedom has always been understood in comparison with the democracy. There are systems with limited freedom and systems which offer a lot of freedom in order to be democratic. „ The party system is inefficient and the lack of party discipline means that the majority of senators and representatives cannot be asked to answer in front of the electorate for the success or the failure of the successive governs. [...] The poor societies which have two classes separated by a large difference have a weaker democratic performance.”[1]
The political rights are concentrated around the designation/election of the representatives: free and correct elections, political campaign, and the distribution of power, more than one political party confronting themselves in the campaign, the negative votes, and the right to auto determination, decentralized power and consensus. Among the civilian liberties Gastil includes the freedom of the media and of the literature from censorship, public debate, the freedom to gather and to manifest, the freedom of the political organizations, the rule of law, the free state, the freedom of economic activities, the freedom of the religious institutions, the private organizations, the personal freedom (property, travel, family, marriage), the freedom of socio-economic inequalities and the freedom against the political indifference and the corruption. These elements are opposed to the systems without popular process as the inherited monarchies and the totalitarian regimes as the communist one as it happened in
Even if Gastil’s analysis was made on a different period, the theoretical elements of his thesis are still useful for the analysis of the relation between freedom, democracy and the brand.
The Brand of Democracy can be interpreted in more than one way. The democracy can be a brand because the democracy is wanted and promoted, it has a theory and there are strategies issued from this theory in order to transform a state into a democracy. A second interpretation can be that the democracy gives to the public the possibility to be creative. The brand of democracy can be analyzed according to the relation between the commercial brands and the way the political democracy works. This parallel shows in fact the factors that lead to prosperity, progress and human flourish, from both the political and marketing point of view.
Democracy as we said before is about freedom in general but also freedom of choice. The citizens of a democratic state have the choice. They have access to a large number of possibilities, the freedom to chose and change their minds in all the aspects of their lives as consumers of anything ( services or products), this is what makes them prosper, progress and flourish as human beings and as individuals members of a group. All this is possible because of the freedom of choice and of its results (in both ways of the comparison). Everyone goes to vote at the elections as everyone chooses a brand or another, supports or not a brand, is loyal or not to a brand. The results of our choices may come immediately (where the brand is concerned), later or never (in politics). Giving to the public the creative power, in the sense of giving them the power of expressing oneself and the right to chose is one of the major roles of the brand which works due to the communication between the brand and the client and vice versa. The brands work, can be developed and survive only in countries where they can find enough freedom; the freedom to create, to chose, to be in competition most likely to be found in democratic countries. The brands need a free market economy and to be able to share the wealth in order to sustain the development of the prosperity and the work places. The brands have appeared when the economy developed and the people’s possibility to learn, work and earn money in free countries, where the need of choice and competition came naturally. The history of the brands allows us to understand how they were able to touch the public’s emotions and desires. The messages of the brands introduced the public, since the beginning, into an ideal world, a better world, as the democracy did. The brands transmitted messages about well being, progress, and happiness and in general about the future and what could be. These all could be possible only if the consumers could financially afford the products and services or if these products or services where accessible (in the communist Era there was no choice because the international brands were not accessible). The brands are younger than we may think. As the specialists in this field state, in the States the brands are almost one hundred years old but in
For many people nowadays the brands represent the freedom of choice of products and services of a better quality and the choice of a better quality of life. In the mature economies the brands answer to the social the psychological and spiritual needs of our lives. And the sensitive way of answering to these needs creates the evolution of desires and aspirations of the public. These desires are a part of the complex dream of prosperity, progress and human flourish. In the brand democracy the consumers vote when choosing a brand, when they buy products every day. There is a two ways relation between the consumers and the brands. Their communication and mutual trust are imperative.
The Brand designers have to be in a permanent relation with the clients, they need to prove the quality of their services and their long lasting motivation in order to last on the market. If the Brand is directly related to the democracy and to freedom, then there also must be an ethical contract between brands and clients, based on respect and vision and quality principles which are based on the values and principles that the people appreciate and value the most. The Brands are also a promise of the prosperity and progress of the consumer’s life.
Some brand experts[3] consider that the brands are more democratic than the formal democratic institutions including the elections and the government. If a consumer is not willing to purchase a brand because that consumer doesn’t like it anymore, he or she is making a statement, a choice visible at that moment. The people, who vote for a candidate, lose their power of choice until the next elections and also the power to influence the present of the politics. We can also say that there is no control on the future of the promises that the politician make during their campaign. No one can know for sure that those promises are going to be kept. Meanwhile the brand needs to keep its promises in order to survive and to grow. Both the client’s vote and the profit are a kind of return of investment because the existence and the prosperity of the brand are related to the consumer’s vote (as a source of profit). The profit is generated by the client’s satisfaction. The affective and value capital produce profit if the promises are kept. This can also be said about the politics in a certain way, but the profit is more difficult to be measured and it takes a lot of time. The relation between the brand and the consumers is closer than in the case of the relations between the public and the politicians. The Government doesn’t need the consensus of the electorate on every single problem; some of them are not even debated in public. They don’t need a vote on every case. The Business seems to have won the race with the politics in the role of force of social change. And a government should be more responsible and more sensitive to those who gave them a voice if they were to be considered brands.
The brands are reinforced due to the fact that they answer to the public needs. The governments arrive at the top of the power and keep it also because of their capacity to threat and punish (as would Foucault say). The politicians receive the votes based on their promises during the campaign and the brands receive the votes for the results of their work. The votes for the brands are renewed very often as the brand opens new lines on the market or launches new products. While in politics there is the law of “all or nothing” in the case of the brands there are no winners and losers. From the vote received for a political program there are no details about which part of the program finally received the vote. The rate cost/benefit is easier to calculate in the case of the brand. When voting for a brand the consumer pays directly to the cashier. The relation between the candidate’s vote and the taxes cannot be calculated. As a conclusion, in order to improve the government’s brand you have to improve the democratic process, reinforce the law and the rule of law and the transparency.
The relation between the brand and the democracy is not a new one. The father of modern American democracy, Thomas Jefferson, never imagined the brand of his government in a non-agrarian society. A part of the brands of consume are born as the
Between Gastil’s list of liberties and the brand specialist we can find a common idea: the freedom to have a passport and to earn money (in order to be able to travel) are essential freedoms that are directly related to the brands. The people who travel are individual ambassadors who transmit the cultural values of their country of origin. In order to prosper and to flourish and to be happy, people need to learn more and to travel more in order to learn things that they wouldn’t be able to know otherwise.
By measuring the democracy of a country according to Gastil’s indicators we can find out which are the chances for a brand to have success in that country. On the other hand, it has been proven by the current studies that the brand is the result of the most democratic process possible. The brands would not exist without the active participation of the consumers, their votes are visible and measurable at any time and without these votes the brands would disappear.
[1] Raymond Duncan GASTIL, “The Comparative Survey on Freedom: Experiences and Suggestions”, On Measuring Democracy, ed. By Alex Inkeles, Ed. Transaction Publishers,
[2] Raymond Duncan GASTIL, “The Comparative Survey on Freedom: Experiences and Suggestions”, On Measuring Democracy, op cit. p.31.
[4] Andrew C. JANOS, “The Politics of backwardness in Continental Europe 1780-1945”, World Politics, Vol.41, Nr.3, April 1989, pp.325-358, http://links.jstor.org.
Friday, January 25, 2008
For pet owners ( special thanks to whom may have wrote this)
"To be posted VERY LOW on the refrigerator door - pet nose height...
Dear Dogs and Cats:
The dishes with the paw prints are yours and contain your food. The other dishes are mine and contain my food. Please note, placing a paw print in the middle of my plate and food does not stake a claim for it becoming your food and dish, nor do I find that aesthetically pleasing in the slightest.
The stairway was not designed by NASCAR and is not a racetrack. Beating me to the bottom is not the object. Tripping me doesn't help because I fall faster than you can run.
I cannot buy anything bigger than a king sized bed. I am very sorry about this. Do not think I will continue sleeping on the couch to ensure your comfort. Dogs and cats can actually curl up in a ball when they sleep. It is not necessary to sleep perpendicular to each other stretched out to the fullest extent possible. I also know that sticking tails straight out and having tongues hanging out the other end to maximize space is nothing but sarcasm.
For the last time, there is no secret exit from the bathroom. If by some miracle I beat you there and manage to get the door shut, it is not necessary to claw, whine, meow, try to turn the knob or get your paw under the edge and try to pull the door open. I must exit through the same door I entered. Also, I have been using the bathroom for years --canine or feline attendance is not required.
The proper order is kiss me, then go smell the other dog or cat's butt. I cannot stress this enough!
And, to pacify you, my dear pets, I have posted the following message on our front door:
To All Non-Pet Owners Who Visit & Like to Complain About Our Pets:
1. They live here. You don't.
2. If you don't want their hair on your clothes, stay off the furniture. That's why they call it "fur"niture.
3. I like my pets a lot better than I like most people.
4. To you, they are an animal. To me, he/she is an adopted son/daughter who is short, hairy, walks on all fours and doesn't speak clearly.
Remember: Dogs and cats are better than kids because they:
2. Don't ask for money all the time
3 Are easier to train
4. Normally come when called
5. Never ask to drive the car
6. Don't hang out with drug-using friends
7. Don't smoke or drink
8. Don't have to buy the latest fashions
9. Don't want to wear your clothes
10. Don't need a gazillion dollars for college, and...
11. If they get pregnant, you can sell their children"
Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Sophie Marceau dans un film d'amour. L'Etudiante est un film avec beaucoup de charme. Sophie Marceau joue le role d'une jeune femme qui est en train de se preparer pour son Agregation et devenir professeur, elle rencontre dans une telegondole au ski un jeune homme musicien et compositeur qui va la surprendre. L'histoire de leur amour commence avec une rencontre banale mais ce transforme dans une histoire pleine de passion. Comment vont les deux skieurs faire connaissance? Vont-ils trouver des points communs? Une histoire d'amour entre deux gens completement differents qui peuvent peut etre se completer?
Sophie Marceau intr-un film de dragoste. Studenta este un film cu mult sarm. Sophie Marceau interpreteaza rolul unei femei tinere care se pregateste de concursul de "agregation" pentru a deveni profesoara. Ea il intalneste pe El intr-o telegondola pe pista de ski. El este muzician si compozitor si o va surprinde. Povestea dragostei lor incepe cu o intalnire in aparenta banala si intamplatoare dar se transforma intr-o poveste plina de pasiune. Cum vor cunostinta cei doi skiori? Vor gasi ei oare puncte comune pe care sa cladeasca o relatie? Este o poveste de dragoste intre doua persoane complet diferite dar care se pot completa?
Sophie Marceau in a love story. The Student is a movie with a lot of charm. Sophie Marceau plays the role of an young woman preparing her "agreation" exam for becoming a teacher. She meets a musician and composer during a ski trip to the mountains. Their love story stats with a random meeting and it transforms itself into a story full of passion. How will they meet? Will they find things in common in order to base a lasting relationship? They are totally diferent can they still complete themselves?
Monday, January 14, 2008

Sophie Marceau si Vincent Perez intr-un film despre cucerirea dragostei si cautarea preservarii primelor sentimente pe parcursul intregii relatii. Alexandre are o relatie stabila si este pe cale sa se casatoreasca dar o intalneste pe Fanfan care trezeste in el cele mai frumoase sentimente ale inceputului unei relatii. El incearca sa permanentizeze aceste sentimente pastrand inocenta inceputului si crede ca a gasit solutia. Acest film poate fi raspunsul intrebarilor pe care ni le punem in momentul in care incepem o relatie. Cum sa facem ca aceste sentimente sa dureze, pentru ca aceste sentimente sa ramana vii? Este o intrebare la care trebuie sa se raspunda in doi.
Sophie Marceau and Vincent Perez in a movie about the quest of love and the search of preserving the first feelings during the whole relation. Alexandre has a long lasting relationship and is about to get married but the encounter of Fanfan wakes the most beautiful feelings in him, the ones of the begining of a relationship. He tries to make these feelings last by holding on to the innocence of the begining and he thinks that he has found the answer. This movie can be the answer to our questions when starting a relationship. How can we make these feelings last? How do we keep them alive? These are questions that we can only answer together.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Je reste (2003)

Un film avec Sophie Marceau, Vincent Perez, Charles Berling. Marie-Dominique et Bertrand forment un couple apparement uni. Seulement en apparence car tandis que Marie-Dominique fait tout pour que la famille soit en parfaite harmonie Bertrand son mari qui travaille comme ingenieur sur des projets dans le monde entier, passe son temps entre son egoisme excentrique, les avions, hotesses de l'air et sa grande passion le velo. Marie-Dominique le suit en consacrant sa vie a soutenir son mari et a s'occuper de leur enfant. Sa rencontre avec Antoine ecrivain et qui tout comme elle est amateur de cinema et d'art, reveille ses desirs de devenir une femme independente et de s'epanouir. Elle decide alors grace a sa nouvelle relation amoureuse de quitter Bertrand, mais celui-ci ne se laisse pas vaincre et fait tout pour empecher sa femme de partir.
C'est un film plein de surprises dans lequel on peut reconnaitre des traits de caractere de personnes qu'on connait dans la vie reelle.
Un film cu Sophie Marceau,Vincent Perez, Charles Berling. Marie-Dominique si cu Bertrand formeaza un cuplu in aparenta unit. Numai in aparenta pentru ca in timp ce Marie-Dominique face tot pentru ca familia ei sa fie in perfecta armonie, Bertrand sotul ei, care lucreaza ca inginer la niste proiecte internationale, isi petrece timpul intre egoismul excentric, avioane, stewardeze si marea sa pasiune ciclismul. Marie-Dominique il urmeaza si isi consacra viata sustinerii sotului sau si ingrijirii copilului lor. Insa intalnirea sa cu scriitorul Antoine care ca si ea este pasionat de cinema si de arta, ii trezeste dorinta de a inflori si de a deveni o femeie independenta. Relatia sa amoroasa cu Antoine o incurajeaza sa se desparta de Bertrand si sa inceapa o viata noua dar acesta nu se lasa invins de noile ambitii ale sotiei sale si face orice ca sa o impiedice sa plece de acasa.
Este un film plin de surprize in care putem recunoaste reactii si comportamente ale unor oameni pe care ii cunoastem in viata reala.
A movie with Sophie Marceau, Vincent Perez, Charles Berling. Marie-Dominique and Bertrand seem like a solid couple. It is only an appearence because while Marie-Dominique does all she can for maintaining a perfect harmony in her family, Betrand her husband, who works in the constructions and has project all over the world,spends his time between his excentric selfishness, plains, steward ladies and his passion cyclism. Marie-Dominique follows him and spends her time with supporting her husband and their son. The meeting with Antoine a writer and a cinematography and art fan like her,woke up in her the desire to grow and become an independent woman. The love affaire with Antoine encourages her to break up with Bertrand and to begin a new life but Bertrand doesn't give up and does all he can to stop his wife from leaving.
It is a movie full of surprizes and unexpected situations in which we can recognize reactions and the behavior of people we know in real life.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Ensemble c'est tout***

Un autre film avec Audrey Tautou, sur l'amitie, l'amour et l'humanite. Qui merite a etre vu pour son histoire ainsi que pour les acteurs. Une love story a la francaise avec beaucoup de realisme et naturellement petillant par-ci, par-la. C'est aussi un filme sur la noblesse des gens, que ce soit la noblesse de l'ame ou le rang herite. C'est un filme interessant a voir pour rappeller et faire connaitre a ceux qui ne savent pas beaucoup sur les familles nobles de l'Europe de l'Est. Leurs descendents gardent encore en heritage la tradition et les manieres qui malheureusement se sont presque completement dissipees dans les societe modernes europeennes et occidentales.
Un alt film cu Audrey Tautou despre prietenie, dragoste si umanitate. Care merita a fi vazut atat pentru poveste cat si pentru actori. Un love-story tipic francez, cu mult realism si naturalete. Este un film despre nobletea oamenilor, despre nobletea sufletului si nobletea data de rangul mostenit. Este un film interesant de vazut, care aminteste celor care cunosc si arata celor care nu stiu nimic despre familiile nobile din Europa de Est. Urmasii lor, pastreaza in continuare ca mostenire traditia si manierele care din pacate au disparut aproape complet in societatile moderne europene si occidentale.
Another movie with Audrey Tautou about friendship, love and humanity. It is worthy seeing it because of the story but also for the actors. It is a tipycal french love story , with a lot of realism and a natural excitement. It is a movie about people's noblesse, the soul's and the one inherited as a social rank. It is an interesting movie which reminds for those who know and shows for those who don't know what the East European Noblesse is about. Their descendants keep the value of their inheritance of the tradition and the manners which, unfortunately, have disappeared almost completely in the modern european and occidental societies.
***Le nouveau film de Claude Berri, Ensemble c'est tout, Pathé Distribution avec Audrey Tautou, Guillaume Canet, Laurent Stocker et Francoise Bertin, un film d'apres le roman d'Anna Gavalda.
A la follie, pas dutout

Un filme avec Audrey Tautou qui joue le role d'une jeune fille amoureuse.
C'est l'histoire d'un amour impossible, d'un amour obsessif qui touche le pathologique.
Une mise en scene un peu speciale, un va et vien dans l'histoire. Le spectateur verra les deux cotes de l'histoire comme dans deux plaidoyers des parties opposees.
Tout se deroule dans le rythme du battement du coeur d'Angelique qui tombe follement et subitement amoureuse de Loic. Le reste est a voir si vous avez la patience de regarder un filme originalement francais.
Un film cu Audrey Tautou care joaca rolul unei fete indragostite.
Este povestea unei iubiri imposibile, unei iubiri obsesive care atinge patologicul.
O scenografie un pic speciala, un dialog intre doua puncte de vedere. Filmul are o structura asemanatoare unei pledoarii tinuta de fiecare dintre cele doua parti opuse.
Totul se desfasoara in ritmul batailor inimii lui Angelique care se indragosteste nebuneste si in mod subit de Loic. Restul ramane de vazut daca aveti rabdarea sa vedeti un film original francez.
A movie with Audrey Tautou, who plays the role of a girl in love.
It is a story about an impossible love, an obsessive love which touches the pathology.
The scenario is a bit special, it is a dialog between two different points of view. Everything happens in the rythm of the heart beats of Angelique's heart who suddenly and madly in love with Loic. The rest is to be seen if you have the patience to watch an original french movie.
Friday, January 11, 2008
Nu voi da nume probabil ca cei care au urmarit stirile stiu despre cine este vorba.
Daca oamenii ar cauta sa asculte mai mult si sa dea mai mult celor din jurul lor, aceste lucruri nu s-ar intampla.
Dupa umila mea parere nu merita sa alegi acest gest nici ca fiind prima solutie nici macar ca si o ultima solutie. Nimic nu este mai pretios pe lume decat viata si ar trebui sa profitam la maxim de ea. Pentru cei care vor citi acest mesaj sper ca prima solutie sa incercati atunci cand aveti probleme sa vorbiti cu cineva si in al doilea rand sa cautati solutille bune nu pe cele usoare atunci cand ceva va deranjeaza.
Doamne ajuta!
Toate cele bune.
Places in time: totalitarian art and architecture -Germany
The relation between the construction of the nation states and the art. This moment concerns the XIX'th century in Germany and Italy. This period explains how the use of art constitues the row material due to serve to justify the existence of the nation before the state was built (usage of the past). Art was used by new states to install themselves and to represent them and also to legitimate themselves.
During the first half of the XX 'th century, the confrontation between the regimes communist and fascist did not limit itself at the ideology and military , but also concerned the cultural field. In fact the USSR of Stalin, the Germany of Hitler and the Italy of Mussolini created a common estethic in spite of their politic oposition. Those totalitarian regimes have used the art as an instrument of their propaganda.
If art is an active agent of communication between people it is also because it is equally a means of expression of the ideology. One question that follows is in what way the art has participated to the enrolment of the people?
The architecture has offered the luxury and display, its giantism has expressed the authority, giving rise to both fear and admiration. Concerning the fine arts they challanged the supreme chief and they announced the arrival of the "new man". Arts in general gave some form to the totalitarian utopia, which had as a final purpose to change the nature of the human being: to annihilate any form of individualism.
They imagined man as a simple wheel of a huge machine, the one of the all mighty state. The objective was to convince the people of its superiority and to make it accept all the sacrifices in a spiritual union with the Head of State. The art was not the reflection of the society but the reflection of the idea that the power had made of the people
Art as a vector of the politic: in other words which functions the diferent regimes assign to the art? Teaching vertues, demonstrative ones, reconversion?...
Art as a political practice: the estheticism of the polics is a phenomenon which was underlined by Walter Benjamin for the nazi but which can also be applicable to other form of government.
Art was concieved to convert the people in both a symbolic way for the essential legitimation of the regime but also because of the esthetic emotion of the mass which was concieved as an efficient diving force for the membership and attachment to the values the regime proposed. The monumental art, for example, is difficult to understand if it is detached of the political liturgy which served as a case as the fascist art did.
The nazi choices: the plans of Berlin by Hilter and Speer, the principles, the works (architecture and sculpture) that are to be found in Albert Speer's Books and Memoires, as the architectural delirium of the II-rd Reich. Hitler does not like Berlin he wishes to give it the looks of his political ambitions. The showcase of the regime has to go through a sisethmatic demolition of the buildings which could stop the projects of the architect Albert Speer. Only the war has delayed the constructions of the new capital baptised "Germania" of which inauguration was due to the universal exposition in 1950;nevertheless the old town has been destroyed. The only visible constructions are those of the olympic installations of the olympic games of 1936's summer of Werner March, the airport of Tempelhof by Ernst Sagebiel, the administrative complex of the Fehrbelliner Platz, the barracks of the former Quartier Napoleon ( occupied after 1945 by the French Forces stationed in Germany) and the former minstry of the Air the Reichsluftfahrtministerium
On conservatism
On Conservatism
It could be told that the Conservatism has no status as a program, ideology or political philosophy. Sometimes even its status as a political condition, stand is interrogated.
The first one is the "aristocratic theory" which defines the conservatism as an Ideology of the historical movement which is unique and specific to a moment in time. It is the reaction of the feudal-aristocratic and agrarian social classes to the French Revolution, the Liberalism and the progress of the "bourgeoisie" at the end of the XVIII th century and at the beginning of the first half of the XIX th century.
Karl Mennheim describes the modern conservatism as a "function of a particular historical and sociological situation"
The liberalism is the ideology of the middle classes; the socialism and the Marxism are ideologies of the proletarian and the conservatism the ideology of aristocracy.
The Conservatism becomes in an indissoluble manner associated with the feudalism and the "Ancien Regime", the medieval period and the nobility. It is opposed to the middle classes, the work, the trade and the industrialization but also to the democracy, the liberalism and the individualism, as
The second theory is the "autonomous" one. In which the conservatism is not necessarily related to the interests of a particular group or dependent of a historical specific configuration of the social forces. "Conservatism is an autonomous system of ideas which are generally valid"
It is defined in terms of universal values as the justice, the order, the balance and moderation. The conservatism as Russell Kirk argues is simply a problem of "will and intelligence". The principles of the conservatism are not reduced to a one and only class of interests. According to this theory, the conservatives may appear from different classes and occupations. This theory is popular in the Neo-conservative class.
The third theory is based on the circumstantial definition. It defines the conservatism as an ideology which appears from the distinction of a recurrent type of historical situation in which the major challenge is addressed to the established institutions, and of which supporters use the conservative ideology for defending those institutions. "The conservatism is that system of values used to justify any social established order, anywhere and anytime it may exist, against the fundamental challenges of its nature"
The difference between the three theories is closely related to the relation between the conservative ideology and the historical process. The aristocratic definition reduces the conservative ideology to a particular social class in a particular type of society. The autonomous theory, allows the appearance of the conservatism in any moment of the history. The circumstantial theory argues that the conservatives appear when social groups oppose themselves to the challenges and defend their status in relation with other social groups.
A common point between the three theories is that they agree on the content of the conservative ideology: the substance of the values and the ideas in which the conservatives believe.
One of the most important representative figures of the Conservatism is Edmund Burke. In his work we can find the structure of the conservative thinking.
Promoting Romania's Image
Promoting Romania's Image
I have been planning to work on the issue of Image and promotion of cultural values since 2005 and there has been progress made in this field, mostly due to the contribution of country branding makers as Simon Anholt and Philip Kottler and other specialist in Marketing Places and Branding. My research in this complex field, as a crossroad between political sciences and marketing, lasted two years during the
I have focused on the issue of the image because the well functioning of such a country, especially
The last one hundred meters/Communism in a child's eyes
The last one hundred meters
It is about the last years of the Communist period and the memories of a person that was born in the early eighties in the
One the nicest teachers that I can remember from college who became one of my greatest friends, or maybe my greatest friend due to our common path that has been lasting for so long, Ioan Stanomir , my Constitutional Law teacher, has pointed out, in a collective book about the memories of the Communist past called " A world which disappeared", some very important aspects of that era, beginning with the memories of the boy that he was then and the memories who faded for me about the school and the rules , back then, the hidden information and the way that the conversations back at home had nothing to do with the common discourse in the "real Romanian world". His memories are better penciled because of the fact that he spent a decade more than I in the Communism. But what we have in common are things that most of the children born in the Communist era have in common: memories about family, about how simple was a child's life in comparison with nowadays. The struggle with the words and the different discourses has been erased of my past because I did not have to deal with the real political world besides my first grade when I had at
What I can remember of that period is more about the innocence of my childhood and the parallel with what children have today, the diversity of activities and freedom, not only from the financial point of view but also freedom of choice, which we did not have back then.
The media and Romania's Image
Since 1990 and the collapse of Communism Romania has been in the attention of foreign media in several occasions. One of the highest moments was the Revolution and its results the steps towards democracy. They focused on the events of the early nineties the social movements and the miners from Valea Jiului in January 1999, moments very well depicted in the former Prime Minister's Book Radu Vasile "Race on the Contrary Direction"
Other events brought to our attention from the foreign press where the elections in
The last but not the least important moment in the international media has been
Even if my research ended before the new events that can be attached to
Media has had an important role in the opinion making since the beginning of times. The foreign media could help countries like
L'amour est avant tout don de soi ( Henry David Thoreau)
La premiere pour voir ton visage tout entier,
La seconde pour voir tes yeux,
La derniere pour voir ta bouche,
Et l'obscurite tout entiere pour me rappeller de tout cela en te serrant dans mes bras.
Il n'y a pas de remede a l'amour que d'aimer davantage
(Jacques Prevert)
C'est trop bien de faire la chose que mourir d'amour
(Jean Anouilh)
J'ai reve tellement fort de toi,
J'ai tellement marche,
Tellement parle,
Qu'il ne me reste plus rien de toi.
Il me reste a etre ombre parmi les ombres,
D'etre cent fois plus ombre que l'ombre,
D'etre l'ombre qui viendra et reviendra
Dans ta vie ensoleillee.
(Robert Desnos)
Notre coeur est un instrument incomplet
Une lyre ou il manque des cordes, et ou nous sommes forces
de rendre les accents de la joie sur le ton consacre aux soupirs.
(F.R. de Chateaubriand- Rene 1802)
J'ai trop vu, trop senti, trop aime dans la vie,
Je viens chercher vivant le calme du Lethe,
Beaux lieux soyez pour moi, ces bords ou l'on oublie:
L'oubli seul desormais est ma felicite.
(Alphonse de Lamartine- Meditations Poetiques- "Le Vallon" 1820)
Il y a deux choses qui me font jouir: le ciel etoile audessus de ma tete et la loi morale en moi.
All we have to fear it's fear itself
Nu de moarte ma cutremur ci de eternitatea sa.
Je meurs dans ta cendre et tu vis dans ma flamme.
(Tristan L'Hermite)
Uneori mai poetizez si eu ...
As fi eu lumina soarelui arzand
Sau un vant cutreierand imaginea sacra a visului tau.
De-ai fi tu doar pentru o clipa trestia ce plange usor
Pe malul apei, plutind de dor,
As fi eu poate dragostea ce se-nfiripa odata cu amurgul trecator.
De-ai fi tu luna de pe cer
As fi eu poate, o secunda,
Cometa ce te mangaie plapanda
Ca dulcele iubirii efemer.
Noi doi eram ca doua astre paralele, ca doua focuri arzand
Noi doi eram o lume plansa si dureroasa ce inca pluteste in eterul albastru
Noi doi lumina din dragoste si dragoste din chin
Noi doi ca o chitara ce plange un apus
Noi doi ca o vioara ce lacrimeaza-n vis
Noi doi... Ce sentiment puternic! Ce voce fara limite... fara cuvinte,
Ca un acord mut ce pulseaza pe veci vrand sa renasca.
Doar visele ne apropie iubirea mea desarta si rece...
Doar dorul, mult prea adanc ca sa-l mai pot rosti...
Ai fost acel inefabil dulce amar
Ce se duce purtat de val atunci cand sufletul se spala
Prin lacrimi, durere si suspine.
Ma pierd in noapte si uit de mine
Alerg pe catifelatul infinit al sufletului meu ce mii de ori a fost calcat de tine.